Archive | January, 2010

The Power of a Technology Driven Generation

27 Jan

On January 12, 2010 a massive catastrophe hit the poverty-stricken country of Haiti.  Over the past two weeks there has been an enormous amount of people around the world rallying together to get behind the cause by donating money and time. Different from any other disaster of our time this one has benefited most from modern technology and specifically social media.

Moments after the earthquake people were tweeting about their missing loved ones, facebooking the masses and creating websites where individuals all over the world could post alerts for missing and found people. Due to the lack of cell service communicating online was crucial. Also, because of technology people instantly sent money faster than ever before.

Some of the most successful instruments for doing this were through text messages and  through itunes accounts where your money was automatically added to your existing bills. One particularly heartwarming story was from the UK where a little 7 year old boy was so moved by the images on the news that he pledged to bike around a local park and asked people to donate via an online fundraising page and has already raised $240,000 from people who got word of his efforts.

Thanks to real-time communication platforms online hundreds of people were found and thousands of people were able to receive up to the minute updates. Through this process we  witnessed the true power of social media via technology to not only allow people across the world to come together, but to actually save lives when sudden devastation strikes.

Through this heartbreaking tragedy a beautiful thing happened- the world came together instantaneously to give whatever they could and technology helped facilitate this process. This was a great lesson of the profound strength of both technology and social media being used for good. Since Generation Y is the most active and familiar with technology of this sort I think it is our responsibility to use this as an example and create new ways to use these tools for social good. Instead of waiting for another natural disaster to occur let us join forces and brainstorm new ways to cause positive change via technology and through the onslaught of available communication platforms online.

As for Haiti it is going to take a lot of time and money to rebuild their country so please continue to do what you can to help.

Action is the real measure of intelligence. – Napoleon Hill

Some Links I’m Mad About…

19 Jan

While you’re busy dreaming about the amazingness of your day off yesterday, you might want to check out these links:

1. Untemplater- Incredibly talented bloggers who give you the tools to breakout of your template lifestyle, and live the life you’ve always imagined. (Be sure to download their manifesto).

2. Nicole is better I discovered this blog 2 nights ago and like a good book, I can’t put it down. She’s open, honest, funny, witty and you’re guaranteed to find an experience you connect with. *Major* blog crush.

3. Comedian Nick Swardson– I saw his special last night on comedy central, and I haven’t laughed that hard in awhile. Check out one of my favorite clips here.

4. Waterproof Notepad: If you’re like me, and your best thinking is done in the shower- here is your godsend.

5. Neighborhood guides from Daily Candy- discover restaurants and shops in your very own backyard that you didn’t even know about.

6. Avatar: Call me a nerd, but this is one of the coolest movies I’ve ever seen. The special effects were incredible- and don’t even think about not seeing it in imax. Check out the Trailer here.

7. Help Haitian Earthquake Victims: One of the easiest ways to help is by Texting “HAITI” to “90999″ to donate $10 to the American Red Cross.

8. Courtesy of check out “Top Oddball Interview Questions” from last year. I have to admit, I can’t stop thinking about “what my best McGuyver moment was.”

9. Oprah’s No Phone Zone Pledge: Each year, nearly 500,000 people are injured and 6,000 are killed  because drivers are talking, texting and e-mailing behind the wheel. Sign the pledge now to make a difference.

10. Great article from CareerAlley on “Job Search Ideas to Fast Track Your Job Search

SWAGG Launch Party

18 Jan

Jenny and I were lucky enough to go to Vegas last week for the introduction of “SWAGG” a cool new mobile solution that promises to change the way you interact and transact. What an incredible time we had! I was hoping to get a sneak peak of the application, but because this product is so huge, it’s going to take awhile longer to develop before they can unveil it to the public. *sigh* The CEO and American idol judge (and incredible songwriter), Kara DioGuardi, spoke about the product and got me super excited about its release. Let’s just say he had me at “have you ever received a gift card you wished you could trade in? Well, this app allows you to do that.”  It promises to help manage your life on the go (accessing your favorite stores loyalty account info), manage redeem and swap gift cards, and access the latest and greatest offers. Can’t wait til it comes out!

In addition to learning about this awesome product, we met lots of incredible people from Firethorn Holdings, Edelman PR, and ran into one of our favorite entrepreneur/blogger friends Jun, who made a video of the event here.

Here are some pictures from the event!

To learn more about SWAGG be sure to check out their website, and follow them on Twitter.

Guest Post: The New, the Old (literally), the Fabulous..

6 Jan

We asked our good friend Julie for her thoughts on the New Year, and here’s what she had to say:

The New: If you haven’t figured it out, the New Year is upon us. New people, new opportunities, new experiences, new expectations, a new outlook…but let’s be serious, how much reeeeeally changed from 12/31/2009 to 1/1/2010? I still have the same job, same friends, same debt, and am in the same quarter life I was in at the end of last year. Ok, so maybe I brought in the new year with a new hangover and a few new “friends” from the night before (names I will leave anonymous or maybe just can’t remember); but the fact still remains…every NEW year is just a reiterated realization of how OLD I am getting.

The Old: Have you ever spoken to an old friend only to realize that term in itself deems that you are getting old-er? Just yesterday, a good friend from college who I hadn’t spoken to in years chatted me up (probably some “get back in touch” new years resolution of his) to see how things were. Reminiscing about our friendship starting over 6 years ago started to spur an internal “has it been that long?!” freak-out. When I first started college (over 7 years ago) and imagined where I would be at age 25, I figured myself to be rich, happily married, and successful. The New Year self re-evaluation has proven me not to be who I (at age 18) had intended; but surprisingly I came to the realization that I am still just as fabulous as ever.

The Fabulous: Rich? I might be in debt but that’s only because I live in one of the most amazing cities in the world, have had eye-opening unforgettable vacations, and walk away each night with priceless friends, stories, and experiences. Married? Thank god no! I now more than ever believe my mom’s advice that I have my whole life to be married but only a few years to be single. Sure I have had some awful dating experiences (who hasn’t?), but at least I am learning more and more about who I truly am and what I really want out of life. Successful? Ok….let’s just say I haven’t hit two of my marks to date. So I myself resolve to look onto the New Year with the expectation that I will live life with no expectations, take life as it comes at me and to be just as fabulous as ever.

Words of Wisdom “WoW”: Live like a racehorse…where life is always on track

Thanks Julie for the great post! Can’t wait to hear more from her in the future 🙂